Spring Happiness 

The Perfect May Day-

When you hear that alarm go off for the 70th time this school year, it feels different this time. All of a sudden you can hear the faint chirp of birds from outside your window and the light rays of sunshine shining through your windows. You can feel the excitement flow throughout your body because you know the warm weather is coming and summer is the next season. Suddenly you are not dreading getting up this morning after all.

 It’s Spring!

The spring season consists of many fun activities and excitement. This includes spring sports. My favorite part of spring sports is that they are outside. Don’t get me wrong, I do love winter track, but there is something different about spending your afternoons outside after school. Around me I have noticed that more people tend to play spring sports. Furthermore this really benefits high school students because sports have direct correlations to positive effects on mental and physical health of teenagers. For example, sleeping improves while playing a sport throughout high school, which corresponds with mental health. After a study found on teenage sleep deprivation in 5,000 teens, it was found that depression and anxiety were closely linked. Teenagers that had symptoms of depression tended to get 3.5 hours less of sleep than other teenagers that were not experiencing those symptoms. Furthermore lack of sleep can impact functioning of the emotional regulation circuit of the brain. 

Read here to learn more about  sleep deprivation in teens 

Also read here to learn about the correlation of mental health and sports

Continuing on, with the cooler temperatures suddenly starting to change to warm, new opportunities such as swimming and spending time outside in nature become available. Even if you are not doing a spring sport, it is easier in spring to do different forms of exercise on your own. For example with pools starting to open up, swimming becomes available in many places. I know that my pool opens in the middle of May, and this gives me a fun way to exercise and without even really thinking about it. I get so excited to have my friends over and spend the day laying by my pool and swimming. Read here to learn more about the benefits of swimming and some tips. It is one of my favorite things of spring because everything feels new again. It almost feels like we forgot what it was like to be in warm weather and wear shorts.

My pool in the summer 

 Hiking to new places and seeing new views is such a cool opportunity in the spring. I feel like it can be better to hike in the spring because the weather is still typically not too hot and also everything is blooming. It feels like you are watching nature come alive again.

One of the hikes I took last year

Finally, my absolute favorite part of spring is the excitement and anticipation that comes with it. When the weather becomes warmer and spring activities come about, you can feel summer coming. It becomes easier to go to school every day for more people, and it is an indication that I have almost made it to the end of the year. Spring for me is my sign to keep going a little longer until I make it to summer; which is so soon. I absolutely love the feeling of knowing summer is coming and starting to plan for the following months. Spring is always the happiest and best time of the year for me, so I thought it would be great to share my feelings and hopefully make people feel excited for the next couple of weeks/months. 

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